Sunday, November 28, 2010

IPT Malaysia Pertama Laksana 5S

Perbadanan Produktiviti Malaysia (MPC) mengiktiraf Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) sebagai IPT Malaysia yang pertama melaksanakan 5S. Ia bermaksud seiri (sisih), seiton (sapu), seiso (susun), seiketsu (seragam) dan shitsuke (sentiasa amal). Manfaat lain amalan 5S ialah,

1. persekitaran kerja berkualiti
2. mempastikan patuh kepada piawai
3. budaya penambahbaikan berterusan
4. selari dengan Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (OSHA) 1994
5. sistem kerja yang jelas
6. persekitaran kerja selamat
7. imej positif kepada pelanggan internal dan eksternal

Berita lanjut di sini

Friday, November 26, 2010

Institut Kemahiran Mara (IKM) Kota Kinabalu (IKMKK) Terap Budaya 5S

Institut Kemahiran Mara (IKM) Kota Kinabalu (IKMKK) mengambil masa setahun untuk menerapkan budaya 5S secara menyeluruh. Ia adalah di antara 63 buah organisasi di Sabah yang mengamalkan budaya itu. Berita selanjutnya di sini.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

SMT Kajang Jadi Contoh 5S

Langkah SMT Kajang menjadi contoh 5S sangat dialu-alukan. 5S bermaksud sisih, susun, sapu, seragam dan sentiasa amal. Pelbagai faedah dapat diperolehi daripada pelaksanaan amalan 5S ini dari segi keselamatan, penyelenggaraan, kecekapan, motivasi, kualiti dan pengurangan kos. Di antara manfaat yang boleh didapati dari amalan 5S ialah,

1. mengurang kos penyenggaraan dan penggantian peralatan
2. meningkatkan kualiti produk
3. mewujudkan suasana kerja yang kondusif
4. pengurusan kerja yang lebih teratur
5. menjadikan tempat kerja lebih bersih, kemas dan selamat
6. memberi keselesaan kepada pekerja
7. membentuk semangat berpasukan
8. menghapuskan keadaan atau tempat merbahaya
9. memperbaiki keadaan tempat kerja
10.mengurangkan kecuaian di tempat kerja
11.mengurangkan penggunaan kawasan
12.mengurangkan pembaziran masa untuk mencari peralatan
13.memudahkan kawalan pergerakan alat dan barang
14.memberi motivasi
15.membentuk disiplin

Berita lanjut mengenai SMT Kajang Jadi Contoh 5S di sini

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pergi Kerja

Pagi-pagi pergi kerja

Orang yang bekerja di runway menghadapi banyak hazad. Hazad menjadi sangat signifikan apabila bekerja dalam hujan.

Destinasi semakin dekat

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Rumah Anak Yatim di Sarawak Pun Amalkan 5S, Syarikat Pembinaan Dan Pengendali Bas Ekspres Bila Lagi?

Rumah kebajikan pertama di Malaysia yang melaksanakan sistem 5S di tempat kerja ialah Kompleks Kebajikan Hamidah di Bandar Baru Permaijaya, Sarawak. Ia dinaungi oleh Lembaga Kebajikan Anak-Anak Yatim Sarawak (LKAYS). Sikap ini berbeza dengan kebanyakan syarikat pembinaan dan pengendali bas ekspres di Malaysia.

Berita lanjut di sini

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Maut Terjerlus Dalam Pasir

Maut Terjerlus Dalam Pasir

JOHOR BAHRU 13 Nov. - Seorang operator jengkaut dikhuatiri maut apabila secara tiba-tiba dia dan kenderaannya terjerlus ke dalam pasir semasa sedang menambak pasir di tapak projek pesisir Pantai Lido Boulevard, di sini malam tadi.

Mangsa, Mohd. Nor Miskan, 36, tertimbus ke dalam pasir itu dalam kejadian pada pukul 9.40 malam. Turut tertimbus adalah dua kontena dan sebuah generator yang digunakan untuk kerja-kerja berkenaan.

Pegawai Tinggi Bomba Bahagian Operasi Balai Bomba Johor Bahru, Aminah Saimin berkata, kerja-kerja penyelamat dilakukan oleh seramai 20 anggota dan pegawai termasuk 10 penyelam unit skuba bomba.

Katanya, operasi mula dijalankan pada pukul 10.36 malam tetapi terpaksa diberhentikan beberapa jam, sebelum disambung semula hari ini.

"Sehingga kini, operasi mencari masih diteruskan di lokasi kejadian dan mangsa belum ditemui," katanya ketika ditemui pemberita di lokasi kejadian di sini hari ini.

Ketua Polis negeri, Datuk Mohd. Mokhtar Mohd. Shariff ketika ditemui berkata, sebuah jawatan kuasa khas ditubuhkan bagi membantu mencari dan menyelamat mangsa selain menyiasat punca kejadian.

Sementara itu, kakak mangsa, Hani Masra, 40, berkata, keluarganya dimaklumkan mengenai kejadian tersebut oleh rakan setugas Mohd. Nor, pada pukul 9.40 malam pada hari kejadian.

"Kami terkejut mendengar berita itu kerana selama ini hanya mendengar kisah orang lain ditimpa kemalangan. Tidak sangka kali ini, ia menimpa ahli keluarga sendiri.

"Sepatutnya Mohd. Nor hendak melawat ibu yang sudah dua hari dirawat di Hospital Sultan Ismail (HSI) kerana menghidap barah leher, namun hajatnya itu tidak kesampaian," katanya lagi.

Turut kelihatan di lokasi kejadian ialah ibu mangsa, Siti Tasuki, 58, dan beberapa ahli keluarga lain.

Menurut Hani, Mohd. Nor yang telah berkahwin dan mempunyai empat anak berusia antara lima dan 13 tahun, berpengalaman 10 tahun mengendalikan jentera berat.

Sementara itu, jurucakap syarikat pemaju, Central Malaysia Properties Sdn. Bhd. (CMP) berkata, pihaknya sedang berusaha mengambil semua langkah yang diperlukan berhubung kejadian itu.

Sambil mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak berkuasa, CMP dalam kenyataannya berkata, kumpulan teknikal syarikat itu juga melakukan siasatan untuk mengenal pasti punca kejadian.

Dipetik dari laman Utusan Online

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lapan Cedera, Mesin Kilang Meletup

Lapan Cedera, Mesin Kilang Meletup


BUKIT MERTAJAM 8 Nov. - Lapan cedera termasuk dua daripadanya parah selepas mesin penyedut habuk sebuah kilang membuat rim motosikal di Kawasan Perindustrian Perai di sini, meletup lalu terbakar hari ini.

Mangsa terdiri daripada masing- masing empat pekerja tempatan dan warga Nepal yang disyaki cedera selepas tercampak akibat letupan kuat itu.

Kejadian pukul 10.10 pagi itu turut mengakibatkan gegaran kuat sehingga mengakibatkan sebahagian daripada struktur bangunan tersebut musnah dan runtuh.

Selain itu, kesan letupan juga merosakkan beberapa premis di sekelilingnya termasuk sebuah lagi kilang yang terletak kira-kira 80 meter dari lokasi kejadian.

Serpihan daripada letupan seperti paip, sisa konkrit dan kepingan logam berhamburan ke luar kilang dan berterbangan sehingga ke seberang jalan.

Mangsa-mangsa yang cedera dirawat di Hospital Seberang Jaya (HSJ) dan Hospital Pakar Bagan, dekat sini dan dilaporkan stabil.

Penolong Pengarah Operasi Bomba negeri, Mohd. Razam Taja Rahim ketika ditemui selepas operasi memadam kebakaran berkata, semasa kejadian terdapat 70 pekerja berada di dalam kilang.

"Bagaimanapun setakat ini, lapan pekerja disahkan cedera akibat melecur atau terkena sisa letupan," katanya sambil menambah pihaknya masih menyiasat punca sebenar kejadian tersebut.

Menurutnya, seramai 33 anggota Bomba dan Penyelamat bersama dua jentera bergegas ke tempat kejadian sejurus menerima panggilan kecemasan pukul 10.20 pagi.

"Operasi turut dibantu oleh kira-kira 30 anggota bomba sukarela. Kebakaran dapat dikawal sejam selepas itu," katanya.

Sementara itu, salah seorang mangsa warga Nepal, Sudath Prem, 22, ketika ditemui di HSJ memberitahu, ketika kejadian, dia berada kira-kira 30 meter daripada mesin penyedut habuk yang tiba-tiba meletup.

"Letupan terjadi sangat kuat dan menyebabkan gegaran. Selang beberapa saat selepas itu, kepulan api marak memenuhi kawasan kilang," katanya.

Menurutnya, dia yang melecur kedua-dua belah tangannya bernasib baik dapat keluar daripada sisa runtuhan kilang tersebut.

Dipetik dari laman Utusan Online

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Director Pleads Not Guilty

PETALING JAYA: The director of construction company CW Yap Sdn Bhd has been charged with failing to ensure the safety of others in connection with the collapse of the Jaya Supermarket last year.

Yap Choon Wai, 54, pleaded not guilty to the offence at a Sessions Court here yesterday.

The supermarket, a famous landmark in Petaling Jaya, collapsed during demolition work and seven people were killed on May 28 last year.

Yap was charged in his capacity as the company director and an employer, for failing to ensure that non-employees, namely four workers and three civilians, were not exposed to safety and health risks.

The four workers were identified as A. Suki Nahru, a 54-year-old Malaysian, and Indonesians Mukhamad Maskur, Fendi and Anwarudin. The three civilians were Rouf, Fauzan and Maddekip.

Yap was accused of failing to comply with the work safety system provided in demolition works for buildings.

The alleged offence was committed on May 28 last year at about 5pm at the site of the proposed project to demolish the building at Jalan Semangat.

Sessions Court Judge Hayatul Akmal Abdul Aziz granted Yap bail of RM5,000 with one surety.

The judge fixed Oct 27 for the case to be mentioned.

She also allowed for Yap’s case to be mentioned together with two previous cases which were related to the charge.

Last Tuesday, two construction companies, including Yap’s, were charged in separate Sessions Courts with failing to ensure the safety of others.

Yap and Jason Hee Kok Hing, of Lian Hup Earth Work and Construction Sdn Bhd, appeared on behalf of their companies and pleaded not guilty to the offences.

Yap was charged under Section 17(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 which is punishable under Section 19 of the same Act.

Those convicted under this section could be fined up to RM50,000 or jailed for a term not exceeding two years or both.

Yap was represented by defence counsel Goh Keng Tat while Deputy Public Prosecutor Aida Farihan Mohd Nawi prosecuted.

By Yuen Meikeng
From The Star Online 28 September 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Jaya Supermarket Collapse: Director Yap Choon Wai Charged

Jaya Supermarket Collapse: Director Yap Choon Wai Charged

PETALING JAYA: The director of construction company CW Yap Sdn Bhd has been charged with failing to ensure the safety of others in connection with the collapse of the Jaya Supermarket here last year.

Yap Choon Wai, 54, pleaded not guilty to the offence at a Sessions Court here on Monday.

The supermarket, a famous landmark in Petaling Jaya, collapsed during demolition work and seven people were killed on May 28 last year.

Yap was charged in his capacity as the company director and an employer, for failing to ensure that non-employees, namely four workers and three civilians, were not exposed to safety and health risks.

The four workers were identified as A. Suki Nahru, a 54-year-old Malaysian, and Indonesians Mukhamad Maskur, Fendi and Anwarudin. The three civilians were Rouf, Fauzan and Maddekip.

Yap was accused of failing to comply with the work safety system provided in demolition works for buildings.

The alleged offence was committed on May 28 last year at about 5pm at the site of the proposed project to demolish the building at Jalan Semangat here.

Sessions Court Judge Hayatul Akmal Abdul Aziz granted Yap bail of RM5,000 with one surety.

The judge fixed Oct 27 for the case to be mentioned.

She also allowed Yap’s case to be mentioned together with two previous cases which were related to the charge.

Last Tuesday, two construction companies, including Yap’s, were charged in separate Sessions Courts with failing to ensure the safety of others.

Yap and Jason Hee Kok Hing, of Lian Hup Earth Work and Construction Sdn Bhd, appeared on behalf of their companies and pleaded not guilty to the offences.

Yap was charged under Section 17(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 which is punishable under Section 19 of the same Act.

Those convicted under this Section could be fined up to RM50,000 or jailed for a term not exceeding two years or both.

Yap was represented by defence counsel Goh Keng Tat while Deputy Public Prosecutor Aida Farihan Mohd Nawi prosecuted.

By Yuen Meikeng
From The Star Online 27 September 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Firms Charged Over Lack Of Safety In Supermarket Collapse

Firms Charged Over Lack Of Safety In Supermarket Collapse

TWO construction companies were charged in the Petaling Jaya Sessions Court for failing to ensure the safety of others in connection with the collapse of the Jaya Supermarket last year.

The iconic supermarket collapsed during demolition work and killed seven construction workers on May 28 last year.

Directors Yap Choon Wai, of CW Yap Sdn Bhd and Jason Hee Kok Hing, of Lian Hup Earth Work and Construction Sdn Bhd, appeared on behalf of their companies and pleaded not guilty to the offences.

Both were charged at separate Sessions Courts in Petaling Jaya yesterday.

CW Yap Sdn Bhd was charged as an employer for failing to ensure that non-employees, namely four workers and three civilians, who could be affected by the company’s works, were not exposed to safety and health risks.

The company was charged with failing to comply with the work safety system provided in demolition works for buildings.

Lian Hup Earth Work and Construction Sdn Bhd was charged as an employer for failing to ensure the safety, health and welfare of all its employees on duty by failing to comply with the work safety system provided in demolition works for buildings.

Both companies allegedly committed the offences on May 28 last year at about 5pm at the site of the proposed project to demolish the office building and shopping complex at Jalan Semangat here.

The proposed project was also set to rebuild a seven-floor shopping complex building and a four-level basement car park at the site.

Sessions Court Judge Hayatul Akmal Abdul Aziz fixed Sept 27 for CW Yap Sdn Bhd’s case to be mentioned.

Later, in another Sessions Court, judge Rozina Ayob allowed for Lian Hup Earth Work and Construction Sdn Bhd’s case to be mentioned on the same day and at the same court with CW Yap Sdn Bhd’s charge.

CW Yap Sdn Bhd and Lian Hup Earth Work and Construction Sdn Bhd were each charged under Section 17(1) and Section 15(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 which is punishable under Section 19 of the same Act.

Those convicted under this Section could be fined up to RM50,000 or jailed for a term not exceeding two years or both.

Both companies were represented by defence counsel Ooi Huey Min while Department of Occupational Safety and Health prosecuting officers Jaafar Leman and Hazlina Yon appeared for the prosecution.

By Yuen Meikeng
From The Star Online 22 September 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Demolition Works In Order, Says MBPJ

Demolition Works In Order, Says MBPJ

THE two construction companies charged in the Petaling Jaya Sessions Court over the collapse of Jaya Supermarket in Section 14, Petaling Jaya, are handling the demolition of the remaining structure.

However, the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) did not see any problem with the companies handling the rest of the job.

MBPJ public relations officer Zainun Zakaria said the companies had obtained the necessary approvals from the council to proceed with the remaining phases of the demolition.

“The council’s various departments have stringently assessed their applications, procedures and methods recommended for the demolition and gave approval,” she said.

She added that the council would respect the court procedure that would find out if the companies had failed to meet safety standards when they demolished the main building last year.

Directors Yap Choon Wai of CW Yap Sdn Bhd and Jason Hee Kok Hing, of Lian Hup Earth Work and Construction Sdn Bhd, appeared on behalf of their companies and pleaded not guilty to the offences.

Meanwhile, residents and business operators nearby felt that it was time to move on.

Section 14A Rukun Tetangga chairman Tee Kee Tian said the mishap had brought about various woes for traders and residents in the area, among them parking problems and a drastic drop in business.

Tee also said it was time to bring down the remaining structure safely.

The structure collapsed on May 28 last year and killed seven workers.

It was claimed that the accident happened before demolition works could start. Residents from 12 houses along Jalan 14/15 were evacuated following the incident and were put up at hotels in the area.

Meanwhile, Selangor MCA chairman Datuk Donald Lim said the matter had dragged on for too long.

He said it was unfair to the residents and business owners, who had been facing inconvenience as well as business loss as a result of the incident.

“The state and local governments should have acted faster and not wait until a year to resolve this matter.”

By Fazleena Aziz
From The Star Online 22 September 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

Two Construction Companies Charged With Jaya Supermarket Collapse

Two Construction Companies Charged With Jaya Supermarket Collapse

PETALING JAYA: Two construction companies were separately charged in the Sessions Court here Tuesday with failing to meet safety standards over the collapse of the Jaya Supermarket.

Directors Yap Choon Wai, of CW Yap Sdn Bhd, and Jason Hee Kok Hing, of Lian Hup Earth Work and Construction Sdn Bhd, appeared on behalf of their companies and pleaded not guilty to the offences.

The offences were allegedly committed on May 28 last year, around 5pm, at the former Jaya Supermarket site along Jalan Semangat here.

One of Petaling Jaya's oldest landmarks, the building in Section 14, had been vacant since early 2008 as there were plans to redevelop the site.

The structure collapsed before demolition works could start, killing seven workers.

By Yuen Meikeng
From The Star Online 21 September 2010